Sequential and Modular Programming

Modular Programming came out as a newer technique. In terms sequence to execute the programing blocks, or called modules, modular programming also means the run time automatically searching where the modules are. Unfortunately, different language sets it differently, some are better and some are not so good. Object-oriented languages are all modular programming and they are the best in this regarding.


PL/SQL is sequential language and its modules searching function is very bad. It means you would have to put functions/procedures in right order within the package to enable the sequential process. Of course, for packages itself it has no problem since packages are individual files.


Java is a fully object-oriented language, though within the class, it is still the sequential. However, methods within the class are also fully modularized. It means the position of methods plays no role, and can be found by run time automatically.


Although JavaScript is classified as object-oriented language, only functions in root level in the file are modularized. Within the function, while it is sequential, nested functions are not fully modularized. It means within the function, your nested functions need to be placed in right order before it can be called. Even in root level, variablized functions still need to be treated carefully with the order. In particular, some built-in functions are very sensitive to the sequence, such as setTimeout() and setInterval().

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