Code Conventions: Microsoft Access SQL

1. Use original column name as much as possible until last presentative SELECT. This is to help for visual tracing back to where the data come from originally.

2. Never use format [something] as alias for the column, it would cause the visual confusion when you changed idea to reuse it, or extent to next level of expansion. You may use it at last presentative SELECT.

3. Always please comma (,) in front rather than at end of a line. It would enable you to easily conduct visual check, since all lines are started from a command or comma. For instance:

, Col_2

4. Always use your notepad or SQL editor to edit and save file. When complete, copy it onto Microsoft Access. This is because Microsoft Access will rewrite your scripts to make your life much harder. Every time when you need to edit it, open your text file to edit it and then paste it onto Access.

5. Doing your formatting job as much as possible in Access rather than at later stage at Excel or other presentation layer. It is even more important when you make your report automation.

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