Passing JavaScript Array to PHP by Using POST

Passing JavaScript Array to Php is not very popular. However, in some circumstances it becomes necessary; for instance, passing value of a group of checkboxes, using array would be most suitable setting.

In general, passing array is same as passing a variable. In HTML part, it looks:

<input type="checkbox" name="jsArray[1]" value="firstValue">
<input type="checkbox" name="jsArray[2]" value="secondValue">
<input type="checkbox" name="jsArray[3]" value="thirdValue">

The problem happens when HTML codes are generated dynamically or the value of checkbox is assigned dynamically. Normal assignment method, namely document.formName.inputItemName.value = something does not work. There is a suggestion in

Another simply solution is to use id to assign the value:

; document.getElementById('inputItemId').value = something


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