iFrame Height Issue

Changing height of iFrame from JavaScript function becomes painful task in new versions of both IE and Firefox. However, if one uses iFrame, adjusting its height to fit its contents is essential. The problem is the height of content is unknown when dramatic feeding required. The “orthodox” method to accomplish this task is to open iFrame with any height first, then adjust it on onLoad event. Width is less painful because for those iFrame to fit complete screen width, width=“100%” can be defined when iFrame is defined.

Basic idea of this “orthodox” approach includes two steps, detect the correct height and resize to it.

Detecting methods include:
- document.documentElement.clientHeight
- contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight

Resize method is:
- document.getElementById('myIframe').style.height = newHeight

Basically, this approach does not work. There are several problems around it, such as assignment to .style.height does not work in Firefox. More serious problem is contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight will return permission denial error message if host page and iFrame content page are not in the same domain; more precisely, the scheme, hostname and port match.

Another approach is to find the correct height before opening the iFrame. It is hard to detect the height of page to be inside of iFrame. However, since iFrame can have its own scroll bar, it may not be necessary to detect content’s height. The best approach might be to find available screen height of user after your title head. Following methods have been tested in Firefox and IE:

It appears Internet Explorer does not response to any of detections.

Following is the codes to apply this approach:

Codes in head:

‹script type="text/javascript"›
var url = "http://www.google.com/" // URL for your iFrame.
var titleHeight = 240;
var frameHeight = Math.max((screen.availHeight ? (screen.availHeight-titleHeight) : (window.innerHeight ? (window.innerHeight-titleHeight) : document.body.clientHeight)), 768);
window.document.onload = function {document.getElementById('linkIframe').style.height = frameHeight};


Codes in body:

‹script type="text/javascript"›
document.write('‹iframe id="linkIframe" width="100%" height="' + frameHeight + '" src="' + url + '" name="content"›‹/iframe›');

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