Set Language in Private Search Engine

Our previous posting Create Your Own Search Engine ( could only display search results in English. Actually, the codes in that posting only have 4 parameters, you can add much more to suit your own needs. These 4 Google WebSearch Query Parameters are:

cx - Required. The cx parameter specifies a unique code that identifies a custom search engine. You must specify a Custom Search Engine using the cx parameter to retrieve search results from that CSE.

ie - Optional. The ie parameter sets the character encoding scheme that should be used to interpret the query string. The default ie value is latin1.

q - Optional. The q parameter specifies the search query entered by the user. Even though this parameter is optional, you must specify a value for at least one of the query parameters (as_epq, as_lq, as_oq, as_q, as_rq) to get search results.

sa - Required. It is indeed you submit the search query to Google search engine.

Today, we add three more parameters to show how the Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese can be interchangeable as search result.

hl - Optional. The hl parameter specifies the interface language (host language) of your user interface. To improve the performance and the quality of your search results, you are strongly encouraged to set this parameter explicitly. However, a successful search engine does not rely only on the parameters, but also settings of search engine itself. That is why you may also need your own account. “Site language”, is not only the site language, but also the search engine host language (the display language other than search result). Naturally, it should be set as English. “Your site encoding”, which is the searching language, should be GB18030 in this example.

lr - Optional. The lr (language restrict) parameter restricts search results to documents written in a particular language. Google WebSearch determines the language of a document by analyzing:

- the top-level domain (TLD) of the document's URL
- language meta tags within the document
- the primary language used in the body text of the document

c2coff - Optional. The c2coff parameter enables or disables the Simplified and Traditional Chinese Search feature. Please note, this parameter is only related to Chinese. For other language, no need to use this. The default value for this parameter is "0" (zero), meaning that the feature is enabled. Values for the c2coff parameter are: 1 is disabled, and 0 is enabled.

Following is codes with these two parameters. It means the search will be restricted to only websites wrote in three languages: US English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

<!DOCTYPE  html  PUBLIC  "-//W3C//DTD  XHTML  1.0  Transitional//EN" "">
<html  xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
                        This  is  private  search  engine  using  Google  facility
                <form  id="cse-search-box"  action="">
                        <input  type="hidden"  value="partner-pub-3597878264183301:140hrt-vklq"  name="cx">
                        <input  type="hidden"  value="GB18030"  name="ie">
                        <input  type="hidden"  value="lang_en|lang_zh-Hans|lang_zh-Hant"  name="lr">
                        <input type="hidden" value="0" name="c2coff">
                        <p  align="center">
                                <img  alt="Google"  src=""  />
                        <p  align="center">
                                <input  size="50"  name="q">
                                <input  type="submit"  value="Search"  name="sa">
                <p  align="center">
                          Koncord  Private  Search  Engine  Based  on  New  Google  Technology

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