Install Oracle Enterprise Linux on VMware Server

Atul Kumar has provided very clear procedures how to download and install VMware 2.0 and Oracle Enterprise Linux for Oracle database in

This article is served as an supplement to Atul Kumar's procedure.

1.Download and Unzip Oracle Enterprise Linux 5

Click to learn more about this. Please download Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 instead of JeSO. Please do only unzip and do NOT extract files out from ISO files. The VMware will read ISO files directly.

2.Download and Install VMware Server on Windows Machine

Click to learn more about this.

3.Configure Linux Machine on VMware Server

First, create a local folder/driver to store VM related files. This can be a folder in your C:\ Driver. In Atul Kumar's example, it is E:\ Driver. Then, copy your unzipped Linux files into this folder. The Linux files should be in iso format. Now, you can start Atul Kumar's procedure No.3.

After click “Use an ISO Image”, please point to the first ISO disc file, such as “Enterprise-R5-U3-Sever-i386-disc1.iso”.

4.Install Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 on VMware Server 2.0

Atul Kumar's procedure No.4 indeed is another article:

In VMware, click your VM in Inventory at left hand side, you will see Console appears on the middle pane. Click it, if you have not install Console, install it now.

After finish install iso disc 1, you will be prompted to change CDROM: Please insert Enterprise Linux disc 2 to continue. You need to:

a) Press Ctrl Alt. This enable you switch from Linux to Windows. Ctrl G will enable you switch from Windows to Linus.
b) Move mouse to the top of Linux installation window, click Devices.
c) You need to first disconnect the previous disc you have done, by click Disconnect...(the name of your previous Linux disc), next to CD/DVD Drive 1.
d) A pop-up window will ask you to confirm this action. Click Yes.
e) Move mouse to the top of Linux installation window, click Devices.
f) Click CD/DVD Drive 1.
g) Click Connect to Disk Image File (iso).
h) Find “Enterprise-R5-U3-Sever-i386-disc2.iso”.

Do the same for rest discs.

5.Install 10g Database or Oracle Apps 11i/R12 on Oracle Enterprise Linux

Sure, it is not limited to 10g Database or Oracle Apps 11i/R12 only.

1 comment:

  1. Valuable for me.. Is there any further reading you would recommend on this?

    LDS Infotech
    Oracle Partners

