Create Your Own Search Engine

Following is the most basic HTML code to create the custom search engine based on Google’s technology. Actually, it just passes parameters to Google’s search engine. If you have your own AdSense account, replace it with yours. You can always change the words and contents as you wish. You may also wish to save it as home page for your browser.

<!DOCTYPE  html  PUBLIC  "-//W3C//DTD  XHTML  1.0  Transitional//EN" "">
<html  xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
                        This  is  private  search  engine  using  Google  facility
                <form  id="cse-search-box"  action="">
                        <input  type="hidden"  value="partner-pub-3597878264183301:140hrt-vklq"  name="cx">
                        <input  type="hidden"  value="ISO-8859-1"  name="ie">
                        <p  align="center">
                                <img  alt="Google"  src=""  />
                        <p  align="center">
                                <input  size="50"  name="q">
                                <input  type="submit"  value="Search"  name="sa">
                <p  align="center">
                          Koncord  Private  Search  Engine  Based  on  New  Google  Technology

Following is the most essential part of the HTML. Save it as HTML format and replace “<“ with “<” since using HTML and it is not possible to publish .
<form id="cse-search-box" action="">
<input type="hidden" value="partner-pub-3597878264183301:140hrt-vklq" name="cx">
<input size="50" name="q">
<input type="submit" value="Search" name="sa">

That is what looks like:

1 comment:

  1. Tried. It works. However, it has problem to display other languages.

