Installation of VMware's VMware Server

First, what is it? VMware Server is a software enable you to create a multiple virtual machines within your existing operating system. It is not a virtual machine itself.

VMware Server is a Virtual Private Server (Server Virtualization). A VPS, also referred to as Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS), is a method of partitioning a physical server computer into multiple servers such that each has the appearance and capabilities of running on its own dedicated machine. Each virtual server can run its own full-fledged operating system, and each server can be independently rebooted. The physical server boots normally. It then runs a program that boots each virtual server within a virtualization environment. The virtual servers have no direct access to hardware and are usually booted from a disk image. A disk image is a single file or storage device containing the complete contents and structure representing a data storage medium or device, such as a hard drive, CD, or DVD. Some disk imaging utilities omit unused file space from source media, or compress the disk they represent to reduce storage requirements, though these are typically referred to as archive files, as they are not literally disk images. The most common format of disk image is ISO.

Install and run VMware Server as an application on top of a host Windows or Linux operating system. A thin virtualization layer partitions the physical server so you can run multiple virtual machines simultaneously on a single server. Computing resources of the physical server are treated as a uniform pool of resources that can be allocated to virtual machines in a controlled manner.

VMware Server isolates each virtual machine from its host and other virtual machines, leaving it unaffected if another virtual machine crashes. Your data does not leak across virtual machines and your applications can only communicate over configured network connections. VMware Server encapsulates a virtual machine environment as a set of files, which are easy to back-up, move and copy.

According to Vmware, VMware Server is typically used in the following scenarios:

■Assessing virtualization for the 1st time
■Evaluating software using virtual machines
■Test and development of software and IT environments

Following matrix can help to determine if VMware Server is suitable: is the site for download. A free registration is needed. Go to your email account to activiate before download. In “Binaries”, select the option in according with the current operating system. During installation process, you may also prompt to enter serial number, which can be find in the same email.

A icon of VMware Server Home Page will be created. However, when click this icon, someone might be found https://[localhost, usually it is your computer name; no square brackets]:8333/ui/# could not be acceessed. In this case, you would need to try again and set allow intranet.

Some may find following message:

There is a problem with this website's security certificate.
The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.

Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.

We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.
- Click here to close this webpage.
- Continue to this website (not recommended).
- More information.

Please click “Continue to this website (not recommended).”

Then, when you try to access VMware Server, you may get an error message saying "Access Denied" or ask you to enter the Login Name and Password in a pop-up window of VMware Infrastructure Web Access. Please use your Window's Login Name and Password. Remember, you must have Administrator previlege in your PC.

By now, you should have no problem to download, install and login the VMware Server.

Rating? Five Stars from us.

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