Various Sizes And Lengths In Database

But, it is suggested to use 30 as maximum column name length in SQL Server.

Feature, SQL Server 2000, Oracle 9i Database

database name length, 128, 8
column name length, 128, 30
index name length, 128, 30
table name length, 128, 30
view name length, 128, 30
stored procedure name length, 128, 30
max columns per index, 16, 32
max char() size 8000, 2000
max varchar() size, 8000, 4000
max columns per table, 1024, 1000
max table row length, 8036, 255000
max query size, 16777216, 16777216
recursive subqueries, 40, 64
constant string size in SELECT, 16777207, 4000
constant string size in WHERE, 8000, 4000

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