IE Progress Bar Is Loading...

It would never have finished. Most likely it is caused by multiple iFrames within a page. It supposed oK, but IE never have fixed this bug. The problem is where you put some content in an iframe and the content finishes loading in the iframe but the ie status bar keeps loading.

* Create a blank.html file in the root web directory. This file need not contain anything.
* Create an invisible iframe in your page by setting frameborder="0" and style="height: 0; width: 0"
* After the Javascript code that loads the iframe, add the following line:
setTimeout("document.getElementById('ifrDummy').src = 'blank.html'", 100);

No more problems. This solution is provided by Rizal Almashoor. Please note, following solution sometimes does not work:

‹body onload="javascript:fixprogressbar()"›

where fixprogressbar was a javascript function

function fixprogressbar()

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reposting this solution! I've spent the better part of a week trying to find a solution and this looks like it. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    - dan -

