PIVOT – Turning Rows into Columns

Here we exam various PIVOT functions/methods in MS Access, Oracle and SQL Server.

MS Access:

TRANSFORM does not work properly because it would generate many rows with a lot of zeros. Let us call it seggragation. However, covring it by a SUM() GROUP BY statement will do.

SELECT with IIF() does work perfect. Example: http://koncordpartners.blogspot.com/2009/08/practical-case-of-transpose-query.html


SELECT PIVOT does not work properly because of seggragation. However, covring it by a SUM() GROUP BY statement will do.

SELECT with CASE does work perfect. Example: http://koncordpartners.blogspot.com/2009/08/practical-case-of-transpose-query.html

OVER PARTITION BY does work fine, but not recommended because lack of flexibility. Example: http://baurdotnet.wordpress.com/2009/08/26/select/

SQL Server:

PIVOT does work fine, but strongly not recommended for two reasons: 1, Aggragate function whtin PIVOT can not be recalculated according to your will. 2, T-SQL does not allow ORDER BY working within the inner query, which does cause a lot of difficulties for layout arrangement.

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