Contain Data Layout in SQL Part for Reporting Services

Business Intelligence in both ORACLE and SQL Server has offered standard tools and settings, such as cube and dimensions. However, for complicated reports, these tools may not be very useful. The orthodox approach to this issue is to have a customized OLAP database built. In some case, even with OLAP database, complicated queries still needed. This issue does also cause the further problem of data layout in report. Here is an approach to deal with these issues. Basically, this approach does contain the task of data layout in SQL part to avoid complex programming in Stored Procedures.

Let us say a report is required to present a daily summary of patient movement within a State, with certain criteria. It requires 5 columns: Date, Sending Facility, Receiving Facility, total transports between these two facilities in that day [Transports], and the Daily Subtotal for whole State. Indeed, Daily Subtotal and Transports can share same column. However, for better visual effect, it is required to have separate columns. GROUP BY and other analytic functions can be used to generate numbers for Transports and Daily Subtotal. However, for the sake of data layout in report, it is suggested only GROUP BY is used. As at today, almost all other analytic functions just generate undesired data layout, for instance, extra but unneeded columns from PIVOT.

The data was not located in a single table, so joins are necessary. Since the selection criteria (WHERE Conditions) are not strictly have one-to-one relationship, the joins therefore are Outer Joins to ensure needed records won’t be excluded. Here is FROM clause:

FROM dbo.transfer t
LEFT JOIN dbo.healthcare_facility s ON s.healthcare_facility_id = t.sending_facility_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.healthcare_facility r ON r.healthcare_facility_id = t.receiving_facility_id

The sending facility and receiving facility indeed is in same table. So, it had been outer joined twice with flag as s and r.

Because of one-to-more relationship, it is for sure multiple rows will be generated for some records. So, mechanism to distinct records is needed. Unfortunately, DISTINCT function does not work with GROUP BY. So, an inner query is used strictly only selecting the essential fields together with DISTINCT:

( SELECT DISTINCT DATEADD(HH, 12, DATEDIFF(DD, 0, t.add_datetime)) Entry_Date
, m.mt_number [MT#]
, s.healthcare_facility_name Sending_Facility
, r.healthcare_facility_name Receiving_Facility
FROM dbo.transfer t
LEFT JOIN dbo.healthcare_facility s ON s.healthcare_facility_id = t.sending_facility_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.healthcare_facility r ON r.healthcare_facility_id = t.receiving_facility_id
) AS Distinct_Q

Do not forget to add “AS [name_of_inner_query]” at the end of inner query, which is required by Transact-SQL. DATEDIFF(DD, 0, t.add_datetime) is used here to uniform the time during the date enabling the use of GROUP BY. DATEADD(HH, 12, …) will be explained late. If Distinct_Q contains less fields needed by next step, it is neccessary to join back to retrieve the missing fields.

Next step is to use GROUP BY:

( SELECT Entry_Date
, Sending_Facility
, Receiving_Facility
, COUNT(*) Daily_Transports
(…) AS Distinct_Q
GROUP BY Entry_Date
, Sending_Facility
, Receiving_Facility
) AS Detail_Q

So far, we generate all essential parts of the report except the Daily Subtotal. We can use same structure for Daily Subtotal. Since inner query Distinct_Q used twice, it is worthwhile to move this temporary resultset to the head with WITH:

WITH Distinct_Q

(SELECT DATEADD(HH, -1, Entry_Date) E_Date
, COUNT(*) Daily_Subtotal
FROM Distinct_Q
GROUP BY Entry_Date
) AS Daily_Subtotal_Q

Note, DATEADD(HH, -1, Entry_Date) is used again here.

We can use UNION to put two temporary resultsets Detail_Q and Daily_Subtotal_Q together:

SELECT Entry_Date [Entry Date]
, Transfer_Status [Transfer Status]
, Sending_Facility [Sending Facility]
, Receiving_Facility [Receiving Facility]
, CAST(Daily_Transports AS VARCHAR(3)) Transports
, '' [Daily Subtotal]
(…) AS Detail_Q
SELECT E_Date [Entry Date]
, '' [Transfer Status]
, 'Daily Subtotal' [Sending Facility]
, '' [Receiving Facility]
, '' Transports
, CAST(Daily_Subtotal AS VARCHAR(3)) [Daily Subtotal]
(…) AS Daily_Subtotal_Q

The purpose of CAST(… AS VARCHAR(3)) used here is to avoid the empty string '' automatically turns to 0 after UNION. Field [Daily Subtotal] in Detail_Q is string data type and Daily_Subtotal_Q is number. So does for field [Transports].

The final step to to add ORDER BY at the end:

ORDER BY [Entry Date] DESC
, [Transfer Status]
, [Sending Facility]
, [Receiving Facility]
, [Transports]
, [Daily Subtotal]

It is time to explain why using DATEADD() function above. Since [Entry Date] is to be sorted DESCENT-ly, one hour difference as result of two DATEADD() functions could place row of ‘Daily Subtotal’ at the end of every rows for that day.

Here is completed SQL script:

WITH Distinct_Q
( SELECT DISTINCT DATEADD(HH, 12, DATEDIFF(DD, 0, t.add_datetime)) Entry_Date
, m.mt_number [MT#]
, s.healthcare_facility_name Sending_Facility
, r.healthcare_facility_name Receiving_Facility
FROM dbo.transfer t
LEFT JOIN dbo.healthcare_facility s ON s.healthcare_facility_id = t.sending_facility_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.healthcare_facility r ON r.healthcare_facility_id = t.receiving_facility_id
SELECT Entry_Date [Entry Date]
, Transfer_Status [Transfer Status]
, Sending_Facility [Sending Facility]
, Receiving_Facility [Receiving Facility]
, CAST(Daily_Transports AS VARCHAR(3)) Transports
, '' [Daily Subtotal]
( SELECT Entry_Date
, Sending_Facility
, Receiving_Facility
, COUNT(*) Daily_Transports
FROM Distinct_Q
GROUP BY Entry_Date
, Sending_Facility
, Receiving_Facility
) AS Detail_Q
SELECT E_Date [Entry Date]
, '' [Transfer Status]
, 'Daily Subtotal' [Sending Facility]
, '' [Receiving Facility]
, '' Transports
, CAST(Daily_Subtotal AS VARCHAR(3)) [Daily Subtotal]
(SELECT DATEADD(HH, -1, Entry_Date) E_Date
, COUNT(*) Daily_Subtotal
FROM Distinct_Q
GROUP BY Entry_Date
) AS Daily_Subtotal_Q
ORDER BY [Entry Date] DESC
, [Transfer Status]
, [Sending Facility]
, [Receiving Facility]
, [Transports]
, [Daily Subtotal]

This blog is to illustrate how to manipulate the data layout in report simply by use SQL. You can also refer to

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