Excel File as Email Attachment for Reporting Services

The scenario is data are pulled out from SQL Server through a rather complicated query without use temporary table, and then copy the dataset to Excel. There are some presentation formats needed in Excel. This setting is the result from requirement since the report readers want it in Excel with live data.

First, using SQL Server Management Studio to arrange SQL Server side work, though it is not necessary. Create a SQL file, organize the SQL query, make sure no temporary table used, and the result should be a single dataset. Complicated formatting as well as query logic should be arranged within a single query by using inner queries as well as WITH AS statement.

If one dimension of original dataset from SQL Server is dynamic, make sure it would be the records dimension (vertical) rather than field dimension (horizontal). This is particularly important because if you have a dynamic horizontal dimension, any change would need human intervention by changing SELECT CASE part in query. You would need to make it as automation as possible. For details how this is work, please refer to http://koncordpartners.blogspot.com/2009/11/contain-data-layout-in-sql-part-for.html. If the dynamic dimension is to be at vertical direction in final report, you can write a special stored procedure to do the transpose transformation, or in Excel, using its built function. By adding CREATE VIEW AS, create a view which sits inside of SQL Server. SQL Server side work has been done.

In Excel, organize the presentation worksheets and dedicate a special worksheet for internal use. All live data including report covering period and report generating date time are to be organized in this internal sheet. Next step is to arrange the automation get external data directly from the view in SQL Server. Click Data in menu, Get External Data, From Other Sources, From Data Connection Wizard, Other/Advanced, A popup window will show. In Provider tab, select SQL Server Native Client 10.0, Next, make a right selection in Select or enter a server name, click Use Windows NT Integrated security, make a right selection in Select the database, then click OK. Finish it. Make sure the dataset from SQL Server will be arrived at right position of that internal worksheet.

Next is to create a button and write a VBA script to complete following tasks:
1. Make a transpose copy of dataset within the internal sheet, if it is necessary.
2. Copy whole or partial dataset to presentation worksheet by using Paste Values. Make sure there is no function in presentation worksheet at all. This does not only show internal works to the end users, but also make readers easily use the data as static.
3. Copy header and footer dynamic data to presentation worksheet by using Paste Values. Make sure this part is also of static data.
4. Hide the internal worksheet. If it is necessary you can also protect the hiden sheet by set password. All you may wish to completely delete the internal worksheet.
5. Automatically send email and attach this Excel file.

VBA Example:

Sub Process()
Sheets("Internal Use").Select

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= False, Transpose:=True

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks :=False, Transpose:=False

Sheets("Internal Use").Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False

Recipients:="someone@somewhere.com", _
Subject:="Weekly Report "
End Sub

Using Ms Access to Update Reporting Services Database

It is strange to use legacy Ms Access to update table in reporting services database. But sometimes it happens in market. This example is because the reporting services database was first built by Ms Access as local database, then developed into SQL Server database. During the transit period the updating does still using Ms Access.

A bunch of independent queries as well as internally called queries organized into Macros. When this macro is executed, a huge reporting services table had been generated within the Ms Access.

Next step is to export this table into SQL Server by using Import & Export Data (32-bit) of SQL Server 2008. Before that, make sure the existing table in SQL Server is being changed name, else the new records will be simply append to the end of original table.

In Import & Export Data (32-bit) Date source is Microsoft Access, file name is the Access file. Leave User name and Password blank. Next, in Destination select SQL Server Native Client 10.0 and make a right selection in Server name. In Authentication tick Use Windows Authentication before make a right selection in Database. Next, select Copy data from one or more tables or views. The rest steps are easy.
