How to Compact MS Access 2007

MS Access 2007 sucks. It does not improve what it should do but create new problems. Compact and repair in Access is important, because if you are over the size, it will give you funny error message and consume you next couple of hours to resolve the puzzle. How do you compact the database? Sure you need to find out the “Compact and Repair” in menu. Where is it? Ok, just forget this approach, because it will tell you nothing if it is really compacting for next hour or so, don’t even mention somehow you may completely delete your database. Nice, isn’t?

There is a way to work around it. Just save your database as MS Access version 2000. It will give you a really fast nice compacted new file. Why version 2000? Because version 2000 is the most stable amongst MS Access family. If you like, you then can compact it, again, by click Office button, Manage, Compact and repair… If you like, you can also save back as version 2007.

Where is the Office button? At top left corner, that round thing. Yes, that is it.
